The Feast of Brighid Ritual – Full Ritual Participant

Full Price : $108.00 or Sliding Scale

Choose this option  to attend the Ritual on Zoom February 1, 2023. 7:30-9pm EST.

You’ll receive email instructions to guide you in preparing yourself and your Intentions for the Ritual.  You will submit your Intentions via email prior to the Ritual.



Come and Dance Her Triskel Path. Prepare to Receive Her Blessings.

The Feast of Brighid Ritual will include:

  • Greeting, Grounding & Centering
  • Creating Sacred Space/Casting the Circle
  • Invocation of the Triple Goddess, Brighid
  • In an expertly led guided-working, meet Brighid in her three forms.
    Bring her your requests/intentions for yourself and/or other(s)
    For healing
    For creative inspiration
    For transformation
    Receive Her blessings
  • Group energy work to ground this magic into the reality of your life
  • Devocations
  • Releasing and Returning the Circle to its source
  • Grounding, Centering
  • Conversation and Questions

Choose this option  to attend the Ritual on Zoom February 1, 2023. 7:30-9pm EST.

You’ll receive email instructions to guide you in preparing yourself and your Intentions for the Ritual.  You will submit your Intentions via email prior to the Ritual.

SLIDING SCALE $36 – $108

Thanks so much for taking time to connect!

Response time might take up to 48 hours – thank you for your patience!