A Teacher's Teacher, a Leader's Leader, the Trainer's Trainer.

Karina’s unique skill-set was formed over decades of spiritual training, practice, teaching, and leadership. She asks her students, clients and peers to go deep, work hard, and live beyond their wildest imaginings–all while maintaining compassionately courageous learning environments.
A contemporary mystic, and internationally beloved spiritual teacher, Karina’s body of work integrates the tenets of the world’s esoteric and Wisdom Traditions, with the rationality of science, the heart of social justice, insight of cultural anthropology, and the practical demands of modern living.
“The days of retreating to the monastery or the mountain-top to attain contentment, spiritual insight, and self-mastery are over. Now, we are called upon to access them within the context of our busy lives. Now, our calling includes contemplative and active practices. We heal for ourselves and the communities we live in. We practice for our personal betterment, so we are prepared for the activism required for these times. We teach and lead, changing the world for the generations to come.”
Karina incisively illuminates personal and cultural dynamics which obstruct our evolutionary path. She teaches practices proven to unravel patterns of self-sabotage, eradicate codependency, and disable tendencies toward hyper-individualism. Though the practices are simple, the results are profound and lasting.
Her methods are grounded in deep compassion for the human condition, highly developed intuitive insight, a wholistic wisdom developed over thirty-five years.
She is motivated by a relentless desire to liberate our creative expression, advance our mutual interdependence, reinforce our emergent audacity, and reclaim our inherent innocence.
Karina's life-devotion is to evoke, provoke, and invoke profound personal and cultural transformation.

As a mentor and teacher, she has led thousands of seekers through their obstacles, and out the other side. Her students and clients have become published authors, healers, teachers in their own right. Working with Karina has afforded many the internal resources to complete degrees, accept promotions, salvage faltering relationships (and leave abusive ones).
She is adamantly humble, stating, “I’m a Life Midwife. I remind people when to breathe, when to push, when to rest. They birth themselves into the people they always dreamt they could become.”

Karina graduated summa cum laude from Mount Holyoke College as a Francis Perkins Scholar, with a self-designed major in Women, Spirituality and Power. As a Nurse, she provided end of life Hospice care for the elderly, and grief-counseling for family members. She is grateful for 35 years of recovery through 12-step programs, and spiritual practice. She is a certified practitioner and facilitator of Reiki, Re-Birthing, BreathWork, Sound Healing, and Flower Essence Consultation, among other healing modalities. She is an Initiate of several esoteric traditions, a Master Firewalking Instructor, and a Lineage Mother in her home Tradition. A Licensed Minister and Spiritual Counselor, Karina is well known among her students, clients and peers as a Master Teacher.
She travels widely, carrying her gifts throughout United States, the United Kingdom, and Europe. She works globally with online with clients.
At home in New England, she spends her time between the forests and wilds of the Berkshire Mountains, and her favorite sea-haunts on the Atlantic shoreline.
“When I’m not working, I spend a lot of time in the kitchen and garden. I enjoy cooking huge, complicated meals. Feeding people–body and soul–is my love language. Culture is built in kitchens and around dining tables.”
“Through our personal evolution, we become capable, effective agents for culture change. Each time we choose to heal, grow, and shift limiting perspectives, we change not only ourselves, but everyone around us.
This is how Culture Change happens.”